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The Chronicles of the Early Families of Nederland,
Texas Volume 2
This is a copy of a manuscript that was written
in 1991 but never published. W. T. made copies and distributed them to several
local libraries. Half of the original files were not available, so this book is
an OCR of one of the library's copies I was able to locate. When available, the
original files and images were used instead of the photocopied images. If the
original photographs were not available, I scanned the images from the library's
photocopied images which were extremely low quality and then performed some
image enhancements to improve them a small amount.
My initial instinct was not to publish this book since some of the original
computer files were lost. After seeing the amount of work W. T. and these
families invested in preserving this history, their descendants deserved to have
access to the information even if it was not the most sophisticated format.
T. Block III, son of the author/editor.
Link to Book on Amazon
This is the second volume of a series of five
books. In this volume, the following family histories are included:
Table of Contents
Prologue: Nederland Pharmacy 4
Part A: A History of the Gatze Jan (George) Rienstra Family 15
George Rienstra Necrology 20
Part B: A History of the Thomas Blewitt Langham Family 21
Part C: A History of John William Ware, Sr. and George Washington Ware
Families 25
Part D: A History of the Christian Theodore Ingwersen Family 28
Part E: A History of John W. and Charles Henry Spurlock Families 30
Part F: A History of the Johan Mikiel Staffen, Albert Staffen, and Martin
Deblance Families 33
Part G: A History of the Edmund R. Dohmann and Elmore Creswell Families 37
Part H: A History of the Leonard Van Marion Family 41
Part I: A History of the Jens H. Peterson, Sr. Family 42
Part J: Memories of My Parents, Klaas and Nellie Koelemay 44
Part K: A History of the Edward E. May Family 58
Part L: A History of the Robert Edward May Family 60
Part M: A History of the John Jefferson May Family 61
Part N: A History of the John Cornelius Collins and Mary Elizabeth Bartels
Collins Family 62
Part O: A History of the Thomas Harold Housenfluck, Sr. Family 65
Part P: A History of Thomas Harold Housenfluck, Jr. 67
Part Q: A History of the Loveless Theriot Family 70
Part R: A History of the Percy Fred Sanderson Family 72
Part S: A History of the Johan Theodorus Van Oostrom Family 74
Part T: A History of the George Allison Creswell and Francis Douglas
Creswell Families 76
Part U: A History of the Andrew Johnson and Mac Saunders Ryder Families 78
Part V: A History of the Cornelus Doornbos Family 81
Cornelus Doornbos Family Necrology 88
Part W: A History of the George J. Yentzen Family 89
Part X: A History of Clarence Franklin Griffin, Sr. and Ida Griffin Family
Part Y: A History of the Francis Alvin Streetman and Samuel Kirtis Streetman
Families 99
The Personal Memoirs of Samuel Kirtis Streetman 100
Part Z: the Memoirs of Marya Koekoek Munson 104
Epilog: Tulips Amid the Bluebonnets 113
Photographs 123
Index 128
Ahpuck, Diane 63
Albanese, Holly Ann 29
Alger, Horatio 88
Allen, Mrs. W. P. 79
Allison, Alfred 76
Allison, George 2, 38, 76
Allison, John 76, 77
Amy, Edgar Wayne 73
Amy, Mrs. Rebecca 72
Andrus, Ella E. 79
Andrus, Gabriel 79
Archie, Linda Elizabeth 58
Arnold, H. A. 34
Arnold, Henrietta 33
Austin, Stephen F. 78
Autrey, Gene 8
Bagwell, Joe 101
Ballast, Dirk 116, 117
Ballast, Johanna 15
Barbier, Josephine 90
Barnett, Bobby 86
Barnett, Carolyn 86
Barnett, Donny 86
Barnett, Nolia 9
Barnett, Robert L. 86, 88
Barnett, Sr., Mrs. R. L. 86
Barnett, Terry 86
Barr, Alvin 65
Barr, J. W. 65
Bartels, Elijah 62
Bartels, Elizabeth Ann Petry 62
Bartels, George F. 62
Bartels, Herman 62
Bartels, Herman Henry 62
Bell, Anna 26
Bell, Bradley 79
Benoit, Rae Ann 26
Benson, Melba 73
Berlin, Carey Claude 60
Berlin, Clyde Roberta 58
Berlin, William Boardman 60
Beukers, William 118
Biar, Mrs. Tat 10
Biar, Pat 12
Biermortt, Charlie 109
Black, J. L. 66
Blanche, Elmore 38
Block, Albert 30
Block, Augusta Wippenitz 30
Block, Dora Koelemay 19, 117
Block, Hora 34
Block, Martin 22
Block, Mary 30, 31
Block, Maude 60
Block, Ursula 32
Block, Ursula Smith 30
Block, W. T. 1, 4, 8, 15, 33, 45, 67, 70, 78, 81, 89, 91, 99
Block, Will 20, 30, 117
Bly, Augusta Collins 9, 11
Bly, Augusta Elizabeth Collins 62
Bly, Augusta Gussie Elizabeth Collins 62
Bly, Gussie 62
Bly, Jr., M. Gradeon 62
Bly, Maynard Gradeon 62
Bly, Mrs. Augusta Gussie Collins 62
Bourque, Rene 84
Boyer, Mr. M. L. Shorty 70
Breaux, Carolyn 45
Brewer, Jacob 86
Brewer, Phyllis 86
Brinson, Jeff D. 63
Brooks, A. L. 35
Brooks, Rev. Troy 101
Broussard, Willie Mae 29
Brown, John A. 23
Bruinsma, Carolus 72
Bruinsma, Effie Aifke 72
Bruinsma, Gerka 72
Burnfin, Mrs. Jim 10
Burson, Alanson 84
Burson, Mrs. Emma 84
Cappel, Cora 90
Carabin, Jake 77
Carre, Edna Mae 63
Carter, Mr. S. R. 102
Carter, Peter 116
Chapman, Mrs. Shirley Van Oostrom 74
Clements, Louise 86
Clyde, Elizabeth Mrs. 8
Cobb, L. B. 103
Coffey, Sanders 34
Collins, Augusta 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Collins, Clinton John Sonny 62, 63
Collins, Elizabeth 64
Collins, Elizabeth Lizzie 62
Collins, Gussie 62
Collins, Harold Mounger 62, 63
Collins, Joanna Hartley Moss 62
Collins, John 62
Collins, John C. 62
Collins, John Cornelius 2, 62, 64
Collins, Mary Elizabeth 62
Collins, Mary Elizabeth Bartels 2, 62
Collins, Mrs. Edna Carre 62
Collins, Robert A. 62
Concienne, Dorothy Mae Theriot 70
Concienne, Mrs. Dorothy Theriot 70
Cook, Janda Suzanne 64
Cook, Leslie Ray 63
Cook, Wanda Lou Collins 9, 62, 63
Cook, William 35
Cooke, Berthold 107
Cooke, J. B. 66
Cooke, J. Berthold 65
Cooley, Adrian 45
Cooley, Anna 45
Cooley, Jr., Adrian 45
Cooley, Walter K. 45
Creswell, Augusta 77
Creswell, Blanche 76
Creswell, Eimore 8
Creswell, Elmore 2, 10, 37, 38, 39
Creswell, Esther Dohmann 37
Creswell, Francis Douglas 2, 76, 77
Creswell, George Allison 2, 38, 76
Creswell, John Allison 76, 77
Creswell, Lydia St. Gaudain 38
Creswell, Marian Frances 77
Creswell, Mary Ann 77
Creswell, Mrs. Esther 37
Creswell, Mrs. Esther Dohmann 10
Crockett, David 79
David, Roxy 42
Davis, Mattie Josephine 72
Davis, Weldon 103
DeBlance, Edward 34
DeBlance, Jr., Martin 34
Deblance, Martin 2, 33
DeBlance, Sr., Martin 34
DeGeoijen, Jan 116
Delong, E. P. 103
Dennis, Julia Anita 31
Devries, William 72
Dewitt, Elizabeth 101
Didrikson, Babe 39
Dijksma, Bartle J. 115
Dishman, Jeana Anne 86
Dohman, Edmund 37, 103
Dohmann, Earnest 37
Dohmann, Edmund 37
Dohmann, Edmund R. 2, 37
Dohmann, Emma 37
Dohmann, Emma A. 37
Dohmann, Mr. 67
Dohmann, Mr. Edmund 67
Dohmann, Pop 37, 38
Doornbos III, Cornelus 86
Doornbos, Arien 82
Doornbos, Bill 84
Doornbos, Billy 86
Doornbos, C. 84, 85, 88
Doornbos, Cale 103
Doornbos, Christina 86
Doornbos, Cornelus 2, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88
Doornbos, Emma 86, 88
Doornbos, Gretchen 86
Doornbos, Harry 85, 86, 88
Doornbos, Heino Harmanus 81
Doornbos, Jacob Jake 82
Doornbos, Jake 84
Doornbos, Jr., Cornelus Cale 85, 86
Doornbos, Jr., Mrs. Cornelus 86
Doornbos, Lisa 86
Doornbos, May 84, 86
Doornbos, Mr. Cornelus 106
Doornbos, Mrs. Jennie 85
Doornbos, Mrs. May 85
Doornbos, Richard 85, 86
Doornbos, Sr., Cornelus 81, 82, 84, 85, 88
Doornbos, Stientje Derks Bouwman 81
Doornbos, Tjaart 82
Doornbos, William 85
Duffy, Iva Sue Ware 26
Dumesneil, Dennis C. 23
Durham, Peggy 86
Edward, Thomas 68
Elizabeth, Saint 70
Elizabeth, St. 70
Ellings, A. J. 19, 116, 117
Ellis, Charles Wesley 73
Elzadie, Emma 58, 60, 61
Enmon, Trina May 61
Faircloth, Jr., Lee Scott 31
Faircloth, Scott 31
Fleming, Mrs. Marie Rienstra 1
Fontenot, Donald Edward 97
Forstee, Mamie Peterson 42
Fortenberry, Jack 67, 102
Fowler, Sherril 23
Franke, Bruce Kendall 61
Franke, Doris 31
Franke, Ethel 31
Franke, Faye 31
Franke, Faye Spurlock 61
Franke, Henry 31
Franke, Jr., Henry 31
Franke, Jr., Oscar W. 31
Franke, Mary Lou 31
Franke, Oscar W. 30, 31
Franke, Oscar Wheeler 61
Franke, Robert 31
Franke, Robert Earl 61
Frederick, George 30
Furby, A. K. Jack 30
Furby, Ethel 30
Furby, Mrs. Ethel 30
Gardner, Buck 10
Gardner, Everett Buck 10
Garner, Captain David 78
Garner, Isaac 78
Garner, Jacob H. 78
Garner, Rachel 78
Garner, Sr., Mrs. Bradley 78
Gaudain, Lydia Mary St. 76
Gautier, Mr. J. 16
Gentz, Christian 33
Gerbens, Robert 84
Gibson, Clyde E. 11
Gillaspie, Captain 78
Gilliard, Fannie 61
Gladding, Rose Marie 85
Granger, Alma Maxine Ware 26
Green, Lyn 60
Griffin, C. Frank 95, 96, 97
Griffin, Clark 96
Griffin, Frank 95, 96
Griffin, Fred Lindsey 96, 97
Griffin, Goodie 103
Griffin, Goodwin 95, 96
Griffin, Ida 2, 95, 96, 97
Griffin, Ida C. 97
Griffin, Ida Clementine 97
Griffin, J. Clark 95
Griffin, James 95
Griffin, John Clark 95, 96
Griffin, Jr., C. Frank 95, 96
Griffin, Mary Ida 96
Griffin, Mattie Sue 31
Griffin, Nook 96
Griffin, Ruby 96
Griffin, Sr., C. Frank 97
Griffin, Sr., Clarence Franklin 2, 95
Griffin, T. J. 95
Griffin, Thomas J. 95
Griffin, Thomas Jefferson 95
Griffin, Wilbur Ivins 95, 96
Griffin, Willie Jane 96, 97
Grigsby, Joseph 21
Guilbeaux, Danny Lee 26
Guilbeaux, Dewey 23
Guilbeaux, Dewey Paul 26
Guilbeaux, Dewey Richard 26
Guilbeaux, Ilma Cleora Ware 26
Guilbeaux, Michael A. 26
Guilbeaux, Michael Anthony 26
Guilbeaux, Michael Paul 26
Guilbeaux, Mrs. Ilma 25
Guilbeaux, Ware 25
Gunn, Annie Lee 72
Gunn, Mrs. J. S. 72
Haizlip, Dr. J. H. 65, 102
Haizlip, William 109
Hall, Dr. B. H. 101
Handley, Mr. A. C. Frog 102
Hanks, Edolia 9
Hargraves, Appalonia 79
Harmon, Elizabeth 22, 25
Harmon, Hester Ann 22, 26
Harmon, John 22, 25
Harold, Jr., Thomas 65
Hassell, Paul 11
Hassler, Rev. Warner 36
Haynes, Wesley 31
Haynes, William B. 6
Hayslette, Jr., Charles Eugene 77
Hayslette, Marian 77
Hayslette, Mrs. Marian Creswell 76
Hebert, Joseph 113
Hebert, Marilyn Rienstra 19
Heiningen, J. C. Van 116, 118
Hendricks, Randall 99
Hendricks, Rita Dell 100
Hensley, Chester 8
Herbert, George 76
Herbert, Rowena 96
Heriard, Miss Louisette 90
Heriard, Mrs. Felix 91
Heriard, Mrs. Jean Marie 90
Herrington, Isabelle Beulah 79
Hickman, Randall 31
Hickman, William D. 31
Hillman, Ida 109
Holcombe, Annie Mrs. H. L. 72
Hollier, Vicki 61
Houseman, Herman 15
Housenfluck, Florence 65
Housenfluck, James Jacob 65
Housenfluck, Jim James Jacob 69
Housenfluck, Jr., Thomas Harold 2, 67
Housenfluck, Mrs. Martha 65, 67
Housenfluck, Sr., Thomas 65
Housenfluck, Sr., Thomas Harold 2, 65
Houston, Maurene 91
Howell, Dorothy 39
Howell, Dorothy Ruth 76
Hughes, Minnie Opal 20
Ingersen, Elizabeth 109
Ingersen, Murdock Mooch1 28
Ingersen, Wayne M. 29
Ingwersen, Christian Theodore 2, 28
Ingwersen, Elbert 28
Ingwersen, Jr., Wayne M. 29
Ingwersen, Ludolf 28, 29
Ingwersen, Mrs. Rozella 28
Ingwersen, Murdock 29
Ingwersen, Murdock Mooch 29
Ingwersen, Theodore 28
Ingwersen, Wayne M. 29
Irby, Emma Eugenia 72
Ivins, R. P. 96
Ivins, Raymond 95
Jackson, Alan 86
Jackson, Mildred 86
Jackson, Scott 86
Jackson, Steven 86
Jake, Michael 26
James, Cheryl Frances Hayslette 77
James, Jamie Amanda 77
James, Jennifer Leigh 77
James, Jr., Grady Wilson 77
Jefferson, Thomas 58, 60, 61, 95
Jewett, Shirley Mae 77
Johnson, Andrew 2, 78, 79
Johnson, Ben 78
Johnson, Burr C. 60
Johnson, C. X. 6
Johnson, Caroline 78
Johnson, Charles X. 6
Johnson, Charlie 12
Johnson, Delmar 109
Johnson, Dr. Andrew 79
Johnson, Ella 79
Johnson, Elmer 6
Johnson, Ida Clementine 95
Johnson, J. Dennis 78
Johnson, Jr., Ben 78
Johnson, Mary Alice 58, 60
Johnson, Mary Jane Clark 95
Johnson, Nellie Belle 78, 79
Johnson, Rachel 78
Johnson, Rachel Garner 78
Johnson, Ras Lee 79
Johnson, Sr., Benjamin 78
Johnson, William Andrew 95
Jones, Sarah Ann 95
Kaper, Captain John 79
Kathleen, Angela 77
Keilman, Vicki 64
Kendall, Martha Evelyn 65
Kenneth, Leo 23
Kerr, Doyle D. 79
Kerr, Sean 79
Kerr, Stacy 79
Killebrew, Ella 11
Killebrew, Mrs. Ella 6, 38
Killebrew, Steve 10, 11
Kilsdonk, G. W. J. 115
Kilsdonk, Mr. G. W. J. 16
Kitchen, Earl 109
Klaas, Oom 45
Koelamay, Antje 44
Koelemay, Anna 44
Koelemay, Cathy 45
Koelemay, Dieuwertje Dora 19
Koelemay, John 19, 44, 45, 116
Koelemay, Kate 19
Koelemay, Klaas 15, 44, 45
Koelemay, Maarten 18, 117
Koelemay, Nellie 2, 44
Koelemay, Neltje Nellie 44
Koelemay, Piet 19
Koelemay, Sr., Maarten 18
Koelemay, Sr., Martin 44
Koelemay, Tryntje Kate 18, 19
Konecny, Johnny 67
Krupa, Gene 80
Kuehn, Miss Katherine 109
Kuipers, Albert 16, 115
Kutcher, Ellen 34
Kutcher, Hannah 33
Kutcher, Hannah Staffen 34
Kutcher, John 34
Kutcher, Laura 34
Kutcher, Plato 34
Lacoste, Augusta 76
Lacoste, John 76, 77
Lacoste, Marie 77
Lacoste, Marie Gieseler 76
Laird, Sarah Elizabeth 58, 60, 61
Landrum, Captain Willis 78
Landry, Miss Mary Louise 70
Landry, Sidney Paul 70
Langham, Blewitt 22, 25, 26
Langham, Elias 21, 25
Langham, Ella May 23
Langham, Emily 25, 26
Langham, Emily Nelia 23
Langham, Ida 22
Langham, John Monroe 23
Langham, Joseph Blewitt 23
Langham, Laura 22, 23
Langham, Laura Eola 23
Langham, Laura Singleton 25
Langham, Matilda Malone 23
Langham, Mrs. Laura 22
Langham, Ruth Inez 23
Langham, Sebum 22
Langham, Thomas 21, 25
Langham, Thomas Blewitt 2, 21, 23
Langham, Tommy 22
Langham, Virgil Stanley 22
Langham, Walker 21
Lans, W. F. 118
Lawhon, Faye 31
Lawhon, J. W. 30
LeBouef, Canellia 70
Lee, Dorthy 23
Lee, Foster Skeeter 10
Lee, Ola 23
Lee, Sr., Tom 9, 11
Lejeune, David 84
Lemaire, Jo Bly 62
Libersat, Inez Miia 9
Ligon, Mary Ida 96
Ligon, Mrs. Mary Ida 95
Ligon, Rayford 96
Ligon, Rayford Scott 96
Lindow, Rodney 39
Lindow, Will Creswell 39
Lindsey, Philip 97
Linscomb, Mary Bell 26
Linson, Cora B. 79
Lohman, Henry 99
Lohman, Walling 100
Lopez, Antonio 78
Louisette, Patricia 90
Lovell, Joicy 58
Lucas, William 76
Luhm, Emma Mrs. Paul A. 34
Lyon, Elisha 95
Lyon, Sarah Jane 95
Maarion, John Van 41
Marcella, Cora 90
Marion, Lena DeVries Van 41
Marion, Lena Van 41
Marion, Leonard Van 2, 41
Marion, Mr. L. Van 70
Marion, Mrs. Anna Catherine Rauwerda Van 41
Marion, Olga Van 41
Mark, St. 79
Markle, Horace 34
Matheson, Jared Wayne 77
Matheson, Phyllis Augusta Creswell 77
Matta, Dianne 69
Matthews, Clark A. 68
May, Dorothy Ann 60
May, Edward 58, 61
May, Edward E. 2, 58, 61
May, Edward Esadore 58, 60
May, Emma 58
May, Hazel Essie 58
May, John 61
May, John J. 58, 60, 61
May, John Jefferson 2, 58, 61
May, John Madison 58, 60, 61
May, Lena 61
May, Mary Alice 58, 60
May, Nancy Sue 31, 58, 61
May, Robert 58, 60
May, Robert E. 60
May, Robert Edward 2, 60
May, Roberta 60
May, Sr., John Madison 58
Mayes, Richard 76
McCartney, Mrs. Jennie Elaine 85
McDaniel, James 33
McFarland, Tonya Sue 73
McGaffey, John 78
McGee, Ann 63
McLain, Mrs. Annie Marie Peterson 42
McLain, Sigel K. 43
McNeill, J. H. 70, 71, 107
McNeill, Jr., J. H. 71
McNeill, Mrs. Minnie 107
Meeker, Judy Mrs. Bob 20
Meinke, Karl 33
Meredith, Lee 103
Michael, William 90
Milam, Ben 78
Miles, Jack D. 91
Miles, Jane Susan 91
Miles, Maryon Ruth 91
Miles, Monta A. 91
Miller, Emma 84
Miller, Turner Lee 86, 88
Millet, Celestine 70
Minaldi, Joe 103
Minaldi, Mr. Tony 103
Mire, Mrs. Arnaud 91
Mitchell, Kenneth Carroll 73
Mitchell, Linda Carol 73
Mitchell, Richard Ricky 73
Montroy, Genevieve 75
Moore, Dr. R. E. 101
Mora, Jose Mario 33
Morgan, Hazel 58
Morgan, J. B. 109
Morgan, Lowell O'Neal 58
Morgan, Robert Allen 58
Morrison, William 86
Mouton, L. A. 10
Moye, Ada 9
Mudd, Dena Mrs. Rainey 72
Munson, Marya Koekoek 2, 84, 89, 104
Munson, Mrs. Marya K. 104
Murdock, Rozella Clyde 28
Myers, Hazel Lee 96
Nagle, C. L. Siuggie 10
Newman, Miss May 84
Nieson, Sarah Woodard 95
Nobles, Dorothy 45
O'Neal, Jr., Lowell 58
Oostrom, Albert Van 75
Oostrom, Albert William Van 74
Oostrom, Johan Theodorus Van 2, 74
Oostrom, Johanna Van 75
Oostrom, Johannes Geisbertus Van 74
Oostrom, John Van 75
Owens, Rev. J. P. 102
Patillo, Emily 22, 26
Patillo, George 22, 25
Patillo, George A. 22, 25, 26
Patillo, James H. 22, 26
Patillo, Sarah Allen 25
Patillo's, George A. 26
Peterson, Annie Marie 43
Peterson, Clarence Bud 42
Peterson, Mary Kelly 42
Peterson, Mrs. George 34
Peterson, Sr., Jens H. 2, 42
Peterson, Sr., Jens Henry 42
Pietje, Nelle 41
Placette, Mrs. Gabriel 91
Pleiter, Bernard 75
Pleiter, Johanna 74
Pleiter, Uncle B. 75
Prater, Diana James 77
Prejean, Mrs. Betty 72
Prejean, Roland Louis 73
Premeaux, Sevan 10
Pruitt, Ruth 19
Purkenson, Dorothy Ann 58
Purkenson, Raymond A. 60
Quick, W. D. 1, 99, 102
Radford, Jim 67
Randen, Wilma Van 72
Reed, Gracie Maybelle 72
Reid, Florence Emma 65
Reid, James E. Malcom 65
Richey, Dr. Darnell 63
Richey, Dr. Gary Dale 63
Richey, Lottie Ruth Collins 62, 63
Richey, Robert Clinton 63
Richey, Robert Collee 63
Rienstra, Albert 18, 20, 103
Rienstra, Anna Antje 19, 20
Rienstra, D. X. 37, 91
Rienstra, Dan 44
Rienstra, Dan J. 15, 116
Rienstra, Dick 91
Rienstra, Feikje Fannie 15
Rienstra, Gatze Jan George 2, 15
Rienstra, George 2, 16, 18, 19, 20, 44, 100, 116
Rienstra, George J. 17
Rienstra, H. George 20
Rienstra, J. 16
Rienstra, Jan G. 19, 20
Rienstra, Jan Gatze George 116
Rienstra, Jan Rients 15
Rienstra, Johanna 84
Rienstra, Jr., Jan 19, 20
Rienstra, Kate 19, 20
Rienstra, M. Sandy 20, 45
Rienstra, Marie 19, 20
Rienstra, Martin Sandy 19, 20
Rienstra, Mr. Dan J. 106
Rienstra, Nellie 44
Rienstra, Neltje Nelly 15
Rienstra, Sr., Jan 19
Riggle, Lynn 23
Riley, Bobby Carrol 23
Riley, James Albert 23
Riley, James H. 23
Riley, Mrs. Ruth 22
Riley, Mrs. Ruth Langham 21
Riley, Pat 100
Risinger, Jackson 95
Ritchie, Brenda Gene 73
Ritchie, Jr., Spencer Hardin 73
Ritchie, Rebecca 73
Ritter, A. 8
Ritter, Tex 71
Roach, Dr. F. A. 8
Roach, F. A. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Roach, Fred 10, 70
Roach, Fred A. 6
Roach, Jr., Fred 10
Roach, Mr. 8, 10, 11
Roach, Mr. F. A. 38, 103
Roach, Mrs. Louise 4
Roach, Mrs. Marjorie 10
Roach, Sr., Fred 70
Roberson, Callie 86
Rockhill, Ed 119
Romero, Bobby 79
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 76
Rosenberg, Annie Elizabeth 65
Ross, Rev. J. L. 66
Russell, T. J. 22
Rusticus, Anna Gatzes 15
Ruysenaars, Betsy 75
Ryder, Howard C. 79
Ryder, Mac 79, 80
Ryder, Mac Saunders 2, 78, 79
Ryder, Mrs. Nellie Belle 78
Ryder, Nellie Belle 78, 79, 80
Ryder, Nellie Belle Johnson 78
Ryder, Virginia Ginger 79
Salk, Dr. Jonas 39
Sanderson, Betty Gene 73
Sanderson, Donald 73
Sanderson, Donald Earl 73
Sanderson, Donna Ruth 73
Sanderson, Effie 72, 73
Sanderson, Effie Bruinsma 73
Sanderson, Eloise 72
Sanderson, Fred 72
Sanderson, Geraldene Jerry 73
Sanderson, John W. 72
Sanderson, Mark Wesley 73
Sanderson, Percy Eugene 72
Sanderson, Percy Fred 2, 72, 73
Sanderson, Philip Andrew 73
Savoy, Marie 39
Savoy, Marie Lydia Creswell 76
Schmidt, Frederick Smith 30
Scott, Mark 96
Setzer, Setzer 100
Sheffield, Kenneth 11, 12
Shepard, LaVera 97
Sherman, Edna 61
Sherman, Sidney 78
Shires, Ruby 96
Simond, Susan 63
Singleton, E. M. 22
Singleton, Joseph Henry 22, 26
Singleton, Laura Josephine 22, 26
Sitton, Thad 38
Slaughter, Frank 67
Smith, Alonso 34
Smith, Barton 34
Smith, Caroline Matilda Beadle 30
Smith, Elmyra Jane 58, 60, 61
Smith, Gaylord 45
Smith, Katrina 45
Smith, Katrina Katie K. 44
Smith, Lula Mrs. Albert I. 34
Smith, Mrs. Janie Ingwersen 29
Smith, Opal Vivian 85
Smith, William 58
Snyder, Jasper Steve 97
Snyder, Willie Jane 97
Sonnier, Joan Marie Creswell 77
Sorenson, Mrs. A. 82
Spaight, A. W. 95
Spalding, Edna 96
Spurlock, Captain W. J. 95
Spurlock, Charles Henry 2, 30
Spurlock, Henry 30, 32
Spurlock, J. W. 30
Spurlock, John W. 30
Spurlock, Mary 30, 32
Spurlock, Mary Block 31
Spurlock, Mrs. 32
Spurlock, Robert F. 30
Spurlock, Susan S. 30
Spurlock, William 30
Staffen, Albert 2, 33, 34, 36
Staffen, Annie 34
Staffen, Bertha 34
Staffen, Charlie 34
Staffen, Emma 34
Staffen, Everett Albert 36
Staffen, Flora 35, 36
Staffen, Hannah 34
Staffen, Henrietta 34
Staffen, Henry 34, 35
Staffen, Johan 33, 34, 35
Staffen, Johan M. 33
Staffen, Johan Mikiel 2, 33
Staffen, John 34
Staffen, John M. 34
Staffen, May 34
Staffen, Mrs. 35, 36
Staffen, Robert L. 34
Staffen, Wilhelmina 33
Stappers, Mrs. Bertha 85
Stark, Bill 67
Stehle, Olga 41
Stehle, Pete 103
Stephenson, Symantha 22
Stilwell, Arthur 18, 113
Strahan, Frances 34
Streetman, Dorothy 99
Streetman, Dr. Edward G. 99
Streetman, Ed Dr. E. G. 100
Streetman, Essie Gertrude White 99
Streetman, F. A. 100, 102
Streetman, Francis 99, 100
Streetman, Francis Alvin 2, 99
Streetman, Jack 99
Streetman, Kirtis 99, 102
Streetman, S. K. 99
Streetman, Samuel Kirtis 2, 89, 99, 100
Sullivan, Jerry 34
Surovik, Daniel 69
Swafford, Dr. Edward A. 68
Swafford, Locha Sutphen 68
Swafford, Martha Ann 68
Sweeney, Jane 34
Tanner, Edward C. 11
Tate, Sheila Moak 26
Taylor, Christene Marie 29
Terwey, Anka Mrs. Peter 72
Terwey, Pete 103
Theriot, Celestine 70
Theriot, Charles Adolph 70
Theriot, Elodias 70
Theriot, Loveless 2, 70, 71
Theriot, Loveless Van 71
Theriot, Mary Louise 71
Theriot, Robert Edward 70
Thomas, Amanda 86
Thomas, Ashley C. 86, 88
Thomas, Kirk 86
Thomas, Kristen 86
Thomas, Peggy Jo 86
Thompson, Dorothy Harvill 12
Todd, Howard 23
Toups, Gary 23
Toups, John 23
Townsend, Caroline 78
Townsend, Sarah 78
Treme, Larry Wayne 73
Trimble, John McDade 18
Trimble, Kathlene 29
Tucker, Thomas 65
Tucker, Tommy 65
Tullos, Clarenda 58
Turner, Maria 33
Tutein-Nolthenius, Jacques 18
Van, William 35
Van, William A. 35
Vandervegt, Fannie 44
Vanderweg, Babe George 101
Vanderweg, George 75, 116
Vanderweg, Jr., George 75
Vanderweg, Theodora Cornelia Van Oostrom 75
Vegt, Ed Van Der 15
Verret, Patty 73
Voelkel, Malcolm Aubrey 73
Wagner, Conrad 6
Wagner, D. 65
Wagner, Ella 11
Wagner, Marvin 9, 11
Wagner, Mr. Marvin 38
Wallace, Mrs. Emily 102
Walling, S. E. 100
Walters, Dellann 86
Walters, Dr. Felix 86
Ware, Alvin Lorrain 26
Ware, Bernice Brooks 26
Ware, Beulah 25
Ware, Billie Marie 26
Ware, Charles Leon 26
Ware, Emily 25, 26
Ware, Emily Langham 25, 26
Ware, George 25
Ware, George David 26
Ware, George W. 23, 25
Ware, George Washington 2, 25, 26
Ware, James Madison 26
Ware, Jay Washington 26
Ware, John 6, 25
Ware, John R. 25
Ware, John W. 25
Ware, John William 2, 25
Ware, Johnnie Dean Young 26
Ware, Johnny 70
Ware, Jr., Oscar Richard 26
Ware, Oscar Richard 26
Ware, Sally 25
Ware, Sr., John 25
Ware, Sr., John William 2, 25
Washington, Martha Dandridge 62
Watts, Steavy Jack 43
Weeks, Willie 10
Weisbach, Dr. P. T. 101
Wendling, Rudolph 34
West, Claiborne 78
Whatley, E. C. 10, 103
White, Dorothy Mrs. Kenneth 100
White, Essie 100
White, George 34
White, Hannah Staffen 34
White, Isaac 34
White, Kenneth 99
White, Lance Warren 91
White, Larry Thomas 91
White, Lew David 91
White, Linda Rae 91
White, Velma 91
White, Velma Rae 91
White, Warren 90
Wilkerson, Carol 31
Will, Johan Wiltz 33
Willey, Jr., James 23
Williamson, Bobbie 96
Williford, Fannie 60
Wilson, C. O. 79, 101
Wilson, Dale 20
Wilson, Dwayne Bud 29
Wilson, Elizabeth 29
Wilson, Elizabeth Ingwersen 28
Wilson, Ira 29
Wilson, J. Stuart 29
Wilson, Marie Rienstra 19
Wilson, Mrs. Marie 19
Wilson, Rita 29
Wilson, Woodrow 6, 44, 76
Winton, Joe 23
Wooten, Lena 61
Wooten, Lena Rae 58, 61
Wooten, Oliver Perry 61
Yentzen Sr., George 91
Yentzen, George 37, 70, 89, 90, 91, 103
Yentzen, George J. 2, 89, 90, 91
Yentzen, Joseph Edward 91
Yentzen, Jr., George 91
Yentzen, Jr., George J. 90, 91
Yentzen, Louisette 91
Yentzen, Maryon Ruth 90, 91
Yentzen, Mr. George 89, 103
Yentzen, Norman 90
Yentzen, Smith 90
Yentzen, Velma Rae 90
Yentzen, Vurrell 90
Yentzen, Vurrell A. 90
Yentzen, Wilmer 91
Youmans, H. C. 86
Youmans, Herbert C. 86
Youmans, Herbert P. 86, 88
