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By Mrs. Shirley Gibson (Hise) Cook

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The Joseph W. Hise, Sr. family came to Nederland after moving to Port Arthur from Louisiana. After living in Port Arthur for a few years, they settled in Nederland during the 1920s and lived at 1016 Nederland Avenue.

Mr. Hise's family, his parents and one sister, Carrie Marriot, lived in northern Louisiana around Athens. Joe attended a small college there for a couple of years, then moved on to Longville, Louisians, near Deridder, to work for a lumber company. He played baseball on the company team.

He met Bertie Mae Hall there, and after they were married, they moved on to Port Arthur. He also played baseball for the Gulf (Chevron) refinery there until he retired.

Three children were born to them, including two sons, Joseph W. Hise, Jr. and Leo Hise, and a daughter, Jane Elizabeth.

Most of the family are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Hise and son Leo are buried in Oak Bluff Cemetery in Port Neches. J. W. Hise, Jr. is buried in Memory Gardens in Nederland. As of 1991, Jane Elizabeth Hise still survives and is a guest at Nederland Nursing Home. A former daughter-in-law, Shirley Gibson Hise, now Mrs. Shirley Cook, and a grandson, J. W. Hise III, reside in Beaumont.

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