1964 Glide Path
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1964 Glide Path

C. O. Wilson Junior High School Yearbook

This volume of the Glide Path presents a record of another year�s progress, activities, and personalities at C. O. Wilson Junior High School. We believe that, taken as a whole, it has been a period of personal growth and intellectual development for the vast majority of the students and faculty. For each of you who are leaving, we hope and trust that future years will be arduous, profitable, developmental, interesting, and happy. For those still plodding the academic path at C. O. Wilson, we wish "good luck," and the persistent drive to surge to even greater heights than your predecessors.

As each of you face this challenging and critical time, it seems to me that there are guides to the finest of all fine arts, the art of living:

In this fine art of living, it is not only how much knowledge we have, it is how we use it.

It is not what happens to us that counts but how we react to it. We have to learn to turn tragedies into triumphs, knowing that the powers behind us are greater than the problems ahead of us.

Finally, in the art of living, it is not what we doubt, but what we believe that counts. We need to believe in the future. If we have no faith in the future, we will
have no power in the present.

--C. Q. Loy, Principal

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The members of the class of 1968 were in the eighth grade when this yearbook was published.

The 1964 Glide Path is proudly presented by the members of the annual staff. We hope that the memories of the 1964 school year, as presented in this edition of the Glide Path, will recall many happy thoughts to each mind and heart. This has been a good year, bringing new friends, teachers and students alike, awards, and of course, the many activities that have made our days here even more enjoyable. We also hope that this book will leave each and every student with a pleasant record of school days, �64!

First Pages

The following are examples of what the print replica pages look like:

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