1966 Pilot
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1966 Pilot

Nederland High School Class of 1966 Yearbook

When you think of a high school, what do you see?
This is the picture that comes to me:

A high school is people�teenagers and all,
It�s assemblies and classes and a rush in the hall.
It�s panic at grade cards; it�s black and gold;
It�s thrills and excitement that never grow old.
Suspense (ills the hallways, and rivalry�s keen.
All yearn for a scholarship; who will be Queen?
A high school means projects and clubs with their fun,
And everyone working till all tasks are done;
Tense moments at ball games�Will we win or not?
That �Eat 'um Dog� spirit means more than we thought!
What is a high school? What is its story?
We�ve told it here in all of its glory!

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The members of the class of 1968 were sophomores when this yearbook was published. The quality of this book is not quite as good as the 1968 annual because I did not have a copy and had to rely on a PDF that I downloaded from the web.

First Pages

The following are examples of what the print replica pages look like:

horizontal rule


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