1967 Pilot
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1967 Pilot

Nederland High School Class of 1967 Yearbook

A school building is constructed of steel and cement, strong and permanent, but it is designed to accommodate an ever-changing flow of students. Year after year buses empty their loads each morning, and people stream in waves into the hallways and classrooms. To the rhythm of bells, tides of people wash in and finally back to the buses, leaving the building empty. Carl Sandburg in his poem �Skyscraper� says:

"It is the men and women, boys and girls so poured in and out all day that give the building a soul of dreams and thoughts and memories."

As each individual forms a part of the mass, so each personality contributes to the whole of Nederland High School�s soul�that abstract thing we call school spirit. Soon the seniors of 1967 will be leaving this student body. With them they will take thoughts and memories, many of which were molded in these halls and classrooms. Before they leave, we present the 1967 P1IX1T, an abstract collection of the people and events that filled this past year.

Vicki Dean
PILOT Editor
1967 PILOT Staff

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The members of the class of 1968 were juniors when this yearbook was published. The quality of this book is not quite as good as the 1968 annual because I did not have a copy and had to rely on a PDF that I downloaded from the web.

First Pages

The following are examples of what the print replica pages look like:

horizontal rule


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