1968 NHS Pilot
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1968 NHS Pilot

Nederland High School Class of 1968 Yearbook

The last bell and the echo of footsteps has sounded, and the echo of footsteps has ceased to ring from the halls of NHS. The excitement of football season, the hilarity of Sadie Hawkins Day, the fun and competition in Pilot Week, the elegance of the Junior-Senior Prom�so many wonderful moments have melted in the summer sun. To grasp a memory, recall an instant, this is the purpose of your 1968 Pilot. I'm certain 1968 will never be forgotten by any of us, for it really was a "very good year."
�Darla Galloway, Pilot editor.

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There are two versions of this yearbook published. This is the less expensive version because less expensive paper was used to print it. Another version called "1968 Pilot" was also published to keep the print quality as high as possible at the expense of increasing the cost.

First Pages

The following are examples of what the print replica pages look like:

horizontal rule


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